Alimardonov Elshod Dilshodovich,

PhD, Associate Professor, Department “International Finance and Credit”, Tashkent Financial Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Mail: alimardonov_elshod@inbox.ru
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3538-0045

Abstract. In the article, the instruction of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the need to turn the city of Tashkent into a large international center that produces high-tech industrial products, provides banking, finance, insurance and other modern services is given.

The definitions given to the concept of “international financial center” in the scientific works of foreign and local researchers, their essence, the characteristics of financial centers that are politically stable, favorable economic geographical areas, the definition of tasks related to the formation of international financial centers in the development strategies of the national financial system of countries, ensuring the status of an international financial center mandatory conditions are defined.

Also, the necessary economic and legal (administrative) conditions for the formation of Tashkent as an international financial center in the near future, the evidence supporting the superiority of the financial potential of Tashkent in comparison to other regions in the regions of Uzbekistan, the work being carried out to attract foreign investments to Tashkent. the priority areas of development of the districts of Tashkent city to attract foreign investments, the projects implemented with the participation of foreign investments in the establishment of an international financial center in Tashkent city are indicated.

This article presents the possibility of transforming the city of Tashkent into a regional Islamic financial center, the Investor Support Centers established under the administrations of the districts of Tashkent city and their main tasks at the moment, the existing problems of transforming the city of Tashkent into a financial center and their solutions.

The establishment of the Tashkent international financial center in the territory of “Ozekspomarkaz” and the creation of favorable conditions for international banks, financial institutions, legal, consulting and investment companies operating there, the project of establishing the Tashkent international financial center is based on British experiences, in particular the organization “The city UK” It is shown that an inter-departmental working group of the Republic is being organized, the initial calculation and reports of the construction of the Tashkent International Financial Center have been developed and recommendations have been prepared, and this center will become an investment hub not only for Uzbekistan, but also for our region.

Key words. financial center, city of opportunities for business, smart city, regional investment center, knowledge and innovation, digital capital

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