Khidirov Nodir Giyosalievich

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Finance Department, Tashkent Institute of Finance, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

email: nodirkhidirov0123@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-0403-1715

Mamadjonova Sarvinoz Sharifjonovna

Master student, Tashkent Institute of Finance, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

email: sarvinozmamadjonova89@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-4676-7544

Abstract: Human resource is one of the main contributing factors for economic growth and other kinds of development such as: social, political, and technological. The labor force participation of women is lower than the labor force participation of men not only in the conservative and patriarchal societies but also throughout the world. Female labor force is a particular kind of labor activity in the context of sex. Since working-age men and women make up about half of the global population, the proportional representation of women in the process of social production allows, to a certain extent, to make certain conclusions about the level of its socio-economic development of a given society. Even though attention to the problems of gender inequality in the surrounded us spheres is being drawn only from the later decades, today we may see that a lot has been accomplished to raise the status of women in advanced and less advanced societies. However, it must be mentioned that gender gap in the labor market of Uzbekistan is not a problem of macro mass tab, which must be overcome by the state itself. But also it is an issue of the ossified traditions, stereotypes and beliefs which needs solution from individuals.

The represented article will make an effort to put the light on the labor market conditions and issues of women of Uzbekistan. It will show the difference between labor market measurements of Central Asian countries, trends in female labor force participation of Uzbekistan, transformation of the shares of some industries and the proportion of women workforce in them.

Key words: Female Labor Force Participation, GDP, Contribution of female workforce, Economic growth, Social and financial returns.

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