Olim Astanakulov,

DSc., Professor, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan

Head of “Islamic Economics and Finance” Department

Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Email:

ORCID: 0000-0002-0536-1214

 Sokhibova Muslimakhon,

Master student, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan

Tashkent, Uzbekistan., E-mail:

ORCID: 0009-0003-6868-1770


Abstract. International tourism activity has grown and stabilized significantly over the past few decades in terms of tourist numbers and tourism receipts. Such changes led to further development of tourist infrastructure. Hotels are one of the most important elements of tourist infrastructure. The share of tourist accommodation in tourist receipts is 46%. Despite the diversification of means of accommodation, the need for hotels among tourists is increasing. The rapid growth of hotel industry has increased the usage of data with the help of property management system (PMS). A Property Management System is software designed for tourist accommodation facilities. In some literature, this system is referred to as a hotel operating system. The system performs the functions of reservation, guest check-in and check-out, call integration, point of sale integration, hotel inventory management, performance indicator reporting, security management. PMS deals with the systematic exchange of information within the organization. The main advantage of data management with it is that data can be easily stored and shared between employees. PMS defines strategies and methods for implementing and developing policies for different situations. This article describes the structure of a property management system operation in hotel data management and the advantages of having PMS in hotel industry.

Keywords: call accounting system (CAL), central reservation system (CRS), data management, property management system (PMS), global distribution system (GDS).

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