Maqsudov Bunyod Abdusamatovich
Tashkent Financial Institute
Senior teacher of the “Banking” department
contact number: +99890 3499888
Akramova Aziza Abduvohidovna
Tashkent Financial Institute
Student of the Faculty of Economics
contact number: +998902380157
Abstract: The article covers the concept of management, its theoretical elements, the Japanese and American experiences of innovative management, the management and manageable systems of the management system and its importance in ensuring economic – financial stability. In addition to the basic principles outlined for the formation, operation and development of the Management system, it is necessary to adhere to additional principles, which are common to all systems of the management system:
- in the implementation of
management, the corresponding ratio between specialization and the corresponding coupling of universalization (specialization and universalization in the performance of management work) should be ensured;
- stability to the external
environment (in the change of certain elements of the macro – or microenvironment of the organization, the management system must continue to operate and fulfill the goals set;
- management savings
(it is necessary to limit labor, material time, financial and other costs when choosing methods and tools to carry out Management and achieve goals);
- management efficiency;
- management humanism;
- compliance of methods and
means of influence with the laws inherent in the object of control (in management it is necessary to take into account the state of the object of control and the laws of development);
- powers imposed task
force (management must give management offices and employees the powers necessary to carry out the tasks set before them);
- exception (only at deviations
larger than standards and regulations, the control system should start);
- in management the
combination of centralization and decentralization (in each specific system of management, there must be a corresponding level of centralization (decentralization)of the performance of the corresponding tasks;
F.Modillia and M.Miller defines the following conditions under which the market can be effective as a result of being followed:
1) lack of transactional costs;
2) the fact that all market participants have access to information;
3) rationality of investor behavior;