Ataniyazov Jasurbek Khamidovich,

Head of the Department of International Finance and Credit, Tashkent institute of finance, Doctor of Economics, Professor


ORCID: 0000-0002-4758-0781

Abstract: The article examines the main directions of “green” investment in accordance with the goals of sustainable development developed by the UN and the prospective directions of the transition of the world economy to “green” business. Also, the main levers and means of supporting the activity of private investors in the financing of  “green” projects in connection with state regulation, preferential financing, crediting and risk reduction measures have been studied. Activities of financial institutions investing in green economy projects and the main methods of regulation of “green” economy initiatives in foreign countries are considered. The transition to the “green” economy is one of the main trends in the development of the countries of the world, because it not only preserves nature, but also gives a competitive advantage to companies participating in this field. Most foreign countries have set themselves the task of achieving the environmental goals of sustainable development, and for their implementation, complex measures, tools and levers are used to support the financing of “green” projects by private investors. In this process, it is an urgent issue to research advanced foreign experiences of financing “green” projects and to define promising directions on this basis. In this regard, the description of the latest trends related to the financing of “green” projects in foreign countries, the tools and means of supporting private investors in the financing of  “green” projects, and the types of projects are the main directions of the research. Therefore, attention was paid to the development of scientific conclusions and recommendations based on the research of modern trends in the development of “green” business and financing of “green” investment projects in the world.

Key words: green projects, investment directions, financing instruments, green bonds, integration, investment funds, financial corporations

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