Kholmamatov Farhodjon Kubaevich,
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-4186-0691
Abstract. The article examines the approaches of foreign and local scientists to the financial stability of the banking system, and their peculiarities. The indicators of financial stability of the banking system of our country were analyzed, and compared with foreign practices, and appropriate conclusions and proposals were formulated. In particular, the ratio of the indicators of the country’s banking system to GDP, the capital base and structure of the banking system, indicators of liquidity of the banking system, income and expenses of banks, profitability of bank capital, and profitability of assets, and lending activities were analyzed.
Keywords: financial stability of the banking system, bank capital, profitability, bank liquidity, bank income and expenses, credit, deposit, regulatory capital, bank profit and loss, asset quality.