Sagdillaeva Zulfiya Asanalievna
Associate Professor, Department of Economic Analysis
ORCID: 0000-0002-5032-8763


Abstract. Modern economic analysis occupies one of the key positions in the management system of the enterprise. It must meet the requirements of international Scientific Journal of “International Finance & Accounting” Issue 3, June 2022. ISSN: 2181-1016 2 standards, meet the requirements of internal and external users of information, identify opportunities to increase production efficiency. It is clear that different methods of data collection, processing and recording are required to meet the requirements listed above. In the context of liberalization of the economy, ensuring the leading role of private property, radically increasing the share and importance of the private sector, improving corporate governance of privatized enterprises, new requirements are set for management information in all processes of business activity. Indeed, the management process plays an important role in the correct definition of the activities of business entities, the rational development of future directions. Accounting and analysis play a special role in increasing the efficiency of the management process and providing it with reliable information. The new management procedure places before the accounting and analysis the requirements of a market economy. The entity’s accounting policies should be in line with market requirements. That is why Uzbekistan pays special attention to accounting reform, its methods and forms are being brought into line with international standards. The accession of our country to the world community and membership in various international organizations require that accounting and analysis be conducted in accordance with international standards. Enterprises of various forms of ownership must make a worthy contribution to the development of the country’s economy by operating effectively on the basis of free competition. This requires the efficient use of existing production and financial resources in enterprises, and puts new tasks in front of accounting and analysis.

Keywords. Production costs, operating costs, selling expenses, cost, calculation, profit, loss, profitability

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