Abduraimova Maftunakhan Akhmatovna,

PhD, associate professor of the “Audit” department, Tashkent Institute of Financе, Tashkent. Uzbekistan.


ORCID: 0000-0002-6325-1400


Abstract. Currently, the issues of the development of audit and insurance organizations are becoming relevant in our country. Based on this, the effective and professional organization of audit activities in insurance organizations in the conditions of innovative digitalization of the market economy is considered one of the main leading tasks. The reforms carried out in our country to create a stable and efficient economy are producing results today. In particular, in a short period, significant work has been done to implement deep structural changes in the economy, organize effective control processes, and strengthen the banking and financial system. The quality of evidence obtained from insurance organizations depends on its sources. Evidence obtained as a result of direct observation and study by the auditor of financial transactions is the most reliable. Information from independent sources based on documents is also reliable. Although collected from the client’s enterprise information processing system, the evidence obtained and processed by the auditor based on the collected data is considered less significant. The evidentiary value of information in documents created, processed, and stored in the information system of the customer enterprise is considered low. The assessment of the internal control system must be considered. If this system is effective, then the information obtained from it can be used as evidence. Effective organization of inspections in insurance organizations is important not only for economic development but also for users of financial reporting information. In this process, the audit organization participates as a guarantor of the insurance market and its clients, as a subject that gives an objective opinion about the work organized in management, as well as about errors and shortcomings. The auditor monitors how this or that business transaction is documented, and also controls the sequence of reflection of such facts in the accounting registers. This allows you to assess compliance with accounting procedures, as well as the state of internal controls. This article highlights the importance of evidence when investigating insurance companies.

Keywords. Insurance organization, audit, evidence, analytical procedures, international auditing standards, general audit strategy, audit plan, internal control, and accounting policies.


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