Sayfulina Alfira Feratovna,

 Senior lecturer of the Department of Geography and Economic Basics of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, PhD, E-mail:

ORCID: 0009-0002-9139-1037


 JEL Classification:  E01 O12

Abstract: This article discusses the assessment of the state of development of digital infrastructure in the regions of Uzbekistan. The main goal of the study is to identify the main aspects of best practices and develop recommendations for the development of digital infrastructure in the regions of Uzbekistan. The development of digital infrastructure is one of the important factors for the development of countries today. In this regard, Uzbekistan is also implementing digital transformation processes, introducing strategies aimed at diversifying the economy, improving the quality of social services, and improving the living standards of the population. One of the important issues is to evaluate the development of digital infrastructure in the country, to identify the differences between different regions and to eliminate existing problems in this area. For the development of digital infrastructure in the regions of Uzbekistan, the use of digital technologies in all regions of our republic, the level of provision of digital technologies, and the formation of the skills of the population in the full use of digital tools are required. Research methodology includes analysis of scientific literature, statistical data and comparative analysis of tax administration practices in different countries. Methods of data analysis, collection and interpretation are used, as well as expert evaluations and surveys of industry experts. The research looked at the availability and availability of digital infrastructure, including broadband Internet, mobile networks, fiber optic communications, and data centers. Also, the causes of digital differences between urban and rural areas of Uzbekistan are analyzed. In particular, attention was paid to the development of digital infrastructure in economically strong and relatively weak regions of the country. In addition, information on the projects, investments and private sector participation in this process implemented by the state for the development of digital infrastructure was also studied.

Keywords: Region, digital infrastructure, digital infrastructure development, digitalization of regions, digitization, evaluation, digital technologies, digital transformation, digital economy, IT.

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