1. D.Tadjibaeva

Professor of the “Economics” department of the Tashkent Financial Institute

Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Email:



Graduate student of Tashkent Financial Institute

Abstract: Attracting investment to the economy, especially foreign direct investment (FDI), starts with creating motivation for investors. For this, we need to take measures to fully demonstrate the investment potential of our country and show its results. Its result is of course very important for both the investor and the buyer.

One of the important goals set in the development strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 is “By ensuring stable high growth rates in economic sectors, in the next five years, the gross domestic product per capita will increase by 1.6 times, and by 2030, the income per capita will increase from 4 thousand US dollars. increase and create the ground for entering the ranks of “countries with an above-average income” [1] theoretically and practically imposes a great responsibility and task on increasing the volume and efficiency of investments, including TTIs, in accordance with the economy. And doing it requires rational risk-taking along with “Seven Dimension One Cuts.” Through economic indicators, the effectiveness of investments is studied at two levels in relation to each other: micro and macro. Because any investment is: on the one hand, it is an investment for the implementation of individual projects, on the other hand, it requires to study the general laws and trends of economic growth, to pay attention to the issues of what opportunities should be used so that there is no depression in reproduction. The decision is taken according to the result reflected in the economic indicators. This article is aimed at studying this actual issue.

        Key words. investment, foreign direct investment, economic growth, trend, multiplier, accelerator, ICOR coefficient.



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