Sattorov Shokhrukh Makhmudjon ugli

Independent researcher, Chief Specialist of the Department of quality control of education of the Tashkent Financial Institute

Tashkent, Uzbekistan. E-mail:

Abstract: This article presents the results of a study on the existing risks in the activities of insurance organizations, the main purpose of risk assessment, assessment invaders, as well as on the foreign methodology for choosing modern methods of assessment, which are used in determining and eliminating risk. Including statistical and expert methods of risk assessment in insurance, risk-free (risk-free) as part of the financial stability loss Risk Assessment Scale, accepted risk, critical risk, catastrophic risk zones, international risk assessment methods risk analysis, stress-test, event tree, Monte Carlo, theoretical opinions and considerations about The Baes trust network are formulated. A comparative analysis of assessment methods was carried out and practical recommendations for their application were formulated. At the same time, in international practice, detailed information about the new stress-testing method of risk assessment, one-variable and multifactorial factors of the method and one-factor and multi-factor models, advantages and disadvantages of the method are presented. In addition, the development of the insurance market is closely related to positive changes in the country’s economy, the liberalization of foreign exchange policies and the improvement of legislative and regulatory frameworks aimed at stimulating foreign economic relations, the growth of the insurance market is mainly due to the types of voluntary insurance provided by insurance companies and the accelerated conduct of insurance activities, it is noted that the integration of valuation activities with insurance activities in the country should serve as an important factor, and general information about the structure of the insurance market of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the number of insurance organizations, the total authorized capital of insurance organizations, the number of insurance brokers, the number of insurance agents is presented in the form of a table.

Keywords: risk, risk assessment method, risk management, critical-risk zone, stress-testing, Bayes trust network, tariff policy, financial stability scale, one-factor model

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